quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2019

Sexual Energy

Much has been said about Sexual Energy and the consequences that can result from the imbalance of this energy.  But after all, what is "Energy"?

This has perhaps been the biggest puzzler lately, so that we can have a full understanding of the whole New Age movement and what it really means to be a Spiritual Being after all.

What is the Spirit?  What is Energy?  What is Consciousness?

Many questions, and yet so few answers.  But life is a constant learning journey, and every time we learn something new, the more we are sure that we know nothing at all.

But let's try to clarify this particular issue about Energy...

According to the Dictionary, we have the following definition of Energy: Property of a system that allows you to perform work.  Energy can have many forms (calorific, kinetic, electric, electromagnetic, mechanical, potential, chemical, radiant), transformable in each other, and each capable of causing well-determined and characteristic phenomena in physical systems.  In all transformations of energy there is complete conservation of it, energy cannot be created, but only transformed (first principle of thermodynamics).  The mass of a body can be transformed into energy, and the energy under radiant form can be transformed into a corpuscle with mass.

This is the classical definition of Energy, according to the studies made by Modern Physics.  Therefore, we see that there are various forms of Energy, and it never gets lost.  It simply transforms into one another.

Still confusing, isn't it?  There was truly no definition of "Energy"!

So let's put it this way: Energy is life!  Energy is a manifestation of Universal Consciousness, of the Source of all that Is.

Do you remember the story of Star Wars? Do you remember what Yoda used to say about "The Force"?  "For my ally is the Force.  And a powerful ally it is.  Life creates it, makes it grow.  Its energy surrounds us and binds us."

Still considering the Star Wars franchise, it is Obi Wan Kenobi (Here interpreted by Alec Guiness) who gives us the definition of the Force: "an energy field created by all living things: it surrounds us, penetrates us, holds the galaxy together".

Change the word "Force" to the word "Energy", and you may have an idea of what we are talking about.

But I like to give another name to this "Energy": it is called "Love"!

The whole Universe is built from this energy called Love.

"But I thought Love was a feeling!"

"I thought it was an emotion!"

The whole Universe is constituted of Loving Energy, guided by the Supreme Consciousness of all that Is.  Energy is simply Life, the intelligent principle of the Universe.  And "Love" is the highest frequency Energy that exists in the universe!  Each emotion of ours constitutes energy at a certain frequency, and Love constitutes the highest of these frequencies.

As Tesla used to put it, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."

Everything is Energy!  Energy manifests itself in many thousands of different forms, and they all have an intelligent principle in them.

Yes, this subject is very profound!  But I'm going to focus on what shapes us.

We are Energy!  We are Spiritual and Sexual Beings, these two closely intertwined.  Even though we are incarnated in material bodies, but we never cease to be energy, considering that even this material body is a manifestation of Energy.

Matter is also Energy at a certain vibration level, so we are all Energy in motion, and now, more than ever, it becomes of utmost importance to have the consciousness of being Energy in motion in this Infinite Universe.  We are not only part of it, but we are an integral part of it.

But where does Sexual Energy come in?

I like to make the analogy of Sexual Energy with Electric Energy, considering that it is also an energy base on contact transfer.  I know that some would like to know more about the Sexual Etheric Energy that is used by purely Spiritual Beings of subtle order.  But I ask you: why do you want to get to know this kind of energy, if we are still incarnated beings in material bodies?  Why not try to experience everything that there is to discover about Sexual Energy as Incarnate Beings in material bodies?  Why not take advantage of it?  Isn't it good to experience the energy of affection?  Doesn't a good kiss feels good?  Is it not good to feel a hug?  Is it not good to feel pleasure, or to experience a delicious Orgasm?

One thing at a time, and everything in its time.  Therefore, I will concentrate on analyzing sexual energy on a physical level.

An electronic device, whatever it may be, needs to be plugged in to make it work.  A TV can produce images only if it is plugged in.  A sound set can only produce sound if it is also plugged in.  And this all happens as follows: In the supply of conventional electric power, for the operation of any electronic circuit, it is necessary that the circuit gets closed.  There must be an input and an output of the electric current for any appliance to operate.

In the residential 110 Volt outlet, we always have a "Phase" (Supplier) terminal and a "Neutral" (Receiver) terminal.  In the 220 Volt outlets, the differential is that there are two "Phase" terminals, but the circuit must be closed to work in the same way.  There will be an "entrance" and an "exit" in the same way!

"Okay, but why do I need to know this?"

Because our bodies operate on the basis of electrical energy, and in physical contact that occurs in a sexual way, this "Electric Energy" is exchanged through touch, whether in a kiss, in a hug, or in the various possible ways of relating sexually!  But unlike electronic equipment, which, after being disconnected from the wall socket and its capacitors becoming "de-energized", they become completely discharged, human beings, on the other hand, as Incarnate Conscious Beings, while we are alive, we will be carrying with us those absorbed loads of the person with who we have related sexually, whether these are positive or negative charges.

This means that if that person has negative energies, whether it comes from illnesses such as a flu, or a headache, or a sore throat, or something even more serious, or even from psychological or psychiatric harm, such as depression, anxiety , or any other more serious disorder, we will absorb these energies into our own energy and we may develop the same symptoms as the other person usually demonstrates.

And vice versa! The other person will also come to show characteristics of our own energy, our own personality, or even any physical problem that we may carry with us.

Remember that even when we are asleep, but our body remains in constant electrical activity, which means that the body never "turns off", so these "negative electric charges" will remain in our body for a very long time!

And I'm just considering a person who has a fixed sex partner!  Imagine one that has several different ones?!  It's a lot of energy together, isn't it?!

But if on one hand having multiple sexual partners can completely unbalance our energies, providing a wide spreading of diseases purely and simply by the transmission of negative energy charges, the complete "absence of sex" can cause our body to become ill also, once that the "Charges" are not moved by our own touch, either by masturbatory activity, or by a hug that we can give in ourselves, or by caresses that are made in our own body.

Yeah, cancer certainly does relate to that!  Blocked sexual energy.  Just like any other electronic device that is left unused for long periods of time, and when it is finally turned on, it is defective.  The cells simply "die" from lack of use.  They simply multiply.  Isn't this what cancer is all about?  "Dead" cells that only multiply wildly?

Do you want to cure your cancer?  Love yourself!  Love yourself sexually!  Masturbation is something totally natural and provably pleasurable, it will guarantee you a lot of vitality and health.  Besides keeping you immune to any disease!  And here's a very valuable tip: do you remember the question of putting the plug on an electrical outlet and closing the circuit?  Think of this: your left hand is an energy recipient, and your right hand is an energy supplier.  So if you want to heal anything, it may be a good idea to simply place your left hand on your genital and your right hand in your heart, thereby activating the circulation of "Energy" between your chakras, after closing the "circuit".  Believe it, it works!

The "Love Energy", expressed in a sexual relationship made with Unconditional Love, either by oneself or by a loving partner, performs miracles!

As the Beatles used to say: "All you need is Love!"

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