sábado, 31 de agosto de 2019

Sexual Relationship Can Be Learned

In the 21st century, this may seem like a meaningless statement, but the truth is that we do not know how to relate sexually.

"What do you mean?!  I'm an excellent lover, I do different positions in bed, I have an iron erection!"

"I'm very macho!"

"I can drive any man crazy, twerk like no other!"

Sexual relationships have become a performance championship, a test of endurance, flexibility and contortion worthy of Olympic athletes.  But this is not relating sexually...

sexta-feira, 26 de julho de 2019

Male and Female Attitude

In the previous text I discussed the importance of being aware of having both polarities, masculine and feminine, and how complementary and necessary these energies are.

According to Taoist philosophy, Yin energy symbolizes receptive, passive energy, the feminine principle, and Yang energy symbolizes donor, active energy, the masculine principle.  If you think in terms of day and night, light and dark, the Yang and Yin energies represent exactly these opposites, but they complement each other.  Otherwise, let's see: what is darkness but the absence of light?  Isn't the night also characterized by the absence of sunlight?

sábado, 20 de julho de 2019


It is not something that is commonly associated with the culture of western society.  It usually refers to some specific type of therapy for the treatment of muscular pain or other therapeutic methods, or when it is associated with a sexual relationship, it is confined to clandestine spaces where the so-called "sex workers" attend.  In countries where Tantric culture is fully disseminated and accepted, massages are an important part of the sexual relationship as a whole, because it will work in relaxing the body, preparing it to remain present at the moment, allowing each touch to be lived intensely, producing a sensation of unequaled ecstasy, and a better use of the sexual energy as a whole.

sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2019

Sexual Relationships between Twin Souls

How to explain the unexplainable?

How to explain something that many have experienced at least once in their lifetimes, but never been able to understand why it happened that way, why it was so intense, why it changed their lives completely.

Why did it destroy or enlighten them?

segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2019

Spiritual Ascension

"And the Truth shall set you free!"

This is the great Truth, since this Truth, with a capital T, has been hidden from all mankind over several millennia of existence.

A lie does not become truth just because it has been repeated over and over again, it will always be a lie!

sexta-feira, 28 de junho de 2019

What is the New Age Sexuality?

It is a new approach of human sexuality to the new consciousness of the Galactic Beings of the New Golden Age that is being born on the horizon, centered essentially on Self-Love, which becomes overflowing, thus naturally giving Love to the other beings, for the Truth is that there's no other being!  We are all reflections of the ONE, although we may be individualized aspects of the Divine and unique in ourselves.

Sexual Relationship

If you want to have a full and elevated sexual relationship, it is necessary to rescue our child innocence.  It is necessary to be totally who we are in our most deep essence and to be totally stripped of any imposed conditioning.  It is necessary to be totally naked, not only of our clothes, but also of spirit.  Just you, your partner, and the Unconditional Love you feel for each other.