sexta-feira, 26 de julho de 2019

Male and Female Attitude

In the previous text I discussed the importance of being aware of having both polarities, masculine and feminine, and how complementary and necessary these energies are.

According to Taoist philosophy, Yin energy symbolizes receptive, passive energy, the feminine principle, and Yang energy symbolizes donor, active energy, the masculine principle.  If you think in terms of day and night, light and dark, the Yang and Yin energies represent exactly these opposites, but they complement each other.  Otherwise, let's see: what is darkness but the absence of light?  Isn't the night also characterized by the absence of sunlight?

I need to establish these concepts, because in this text I will be introducing an idea developed through the observation of human nature, and how it concerns to these energies.  This is something that I decided to classify as Male Attitude and Female Attitude.

Of course, regardless of whether they are men or women, these styles of attitude can be observed in both sexes, and this is what will define the predominance of a particular energy.

Male Attitude is determined by the Being's predisposition to seek everything externally.  A donor attitude, extremely dependent, that cannot seek anything internally.  This Being needs interaction, it is an attitude usually directed to some individual, since society has always stimulated the search for sexual interaction with another individual.

Have you ever observed the attitude of a person who has just split up from a loving relationship?  It usually exhibits this feature very strongly because it is a directed energy flow that has been interrupted.  There is an immediate need to find a substitute for this, and this is what determines the extreme neediness of these beings.  This is often observed predominantly in men, but some women also have this attitude, this very strong need.

Men generally fall into promiscuity, into empty relationships without commitment.  In the case of women, nowadays when women have gained financial independence, this kind of attitude can also be observed.  In general they will try to find a fixed replacement, although at first they have no intention of making it a new short-term commitment.  After all, the absence of an old affection does not get cured with a new "Love", this has always been a fantasy that always caused more frustrations than solutions!

Each Being is unique on its own, and to get into a new relationship without drawing all the conclusions, all the necessary learning from an end of the old relationship, is to reflect in that substitute the image of the old, since that Being has not yet healed the energy it was previously donated, and is not yet ready to enter into a relationship that will be totally different from the previous one.

It takes a period of self-awareness to "digest" all lived experiences, not only in order to evaluate the mistakes of the former lover, but especially to evaluate the mistakes made by oneself within that relationship.  After all, the failure of a relationship is the responsibility of both, not just the mistakes of one!

And this is where the Female Attitude comes in.  And in this case, this is most noticeable in women who have just gotten out of a relationship.  They tend to spend long periods of time reliving each moment, seeking answers, putting an end to each situation they have experienced.  Some men, particularly Introverts, also maintain this attitude, but this is more common in women.

And this is very important!  Self-knowledge is the most important thing to do, and in these new New Age times, where we are rediscovering ourselves as Spiritual Beings having an experience in the matter, this is of the utmost importance.

Feminine energies, as you all know, are being rescued in this New Age of Light and Unconditional Love.  That's why this Female Attitude will make all the difference from now on.

It is not only about breaking old conditions established by a patriarchal society, wholly centered on masculine energies, but also about creating a new philosophy of life, a new set of rules and a new vision of everything.

We have to seek the answers within ourselves and seek all the motivation we need within ourselves, assuming a solitude that is liberating, not painful.  Society has always conditioned us to associate loneliness with pain and suffering, but in fact, as OSHO teaches us so constantly, the Being that assumes its loneliness is a totally free, independent Being.

Of course no one will ever be truly alone, but when OSHO speaks to us of loneliness, it actually tells us of a state of inner, individual and unique search.  We may have all the answers to our problems, but we must seek it internally by searching within.  Everyone has their own Truth, which is all theirs, and this Truth can only be found within oneself, seeking direct contact with the Source of all that Is, and with their spiritual guides and mentors who will always be available to help us during these moments.  We don't have to do anything alone!

It is time for us to seek our direct connection with Creation, with the Source of all That Is, Father / Mother God.  And that is what it means to have a feminine, more passive, more loving attitude to yourself.  Learn to be overflowing with Unconditional Love first with yourself, then we will be able to distribute this Love to everyone around us.  And we will be free, because it will no longer be a matter of seeking someone who loves us, since we will already have much Love from ourselves!

That is why I repeatedly say so much of the need to seek our sexual motivation from within ourselves so that we can be truly free and immune from any kind of manipulation, because no one can manipulate a Being who loves himself unconditionally.

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