segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2019

Spiritual Ascension

"And the Truth shall set you free!"

This is the great Truth, since this Truth, with a capital T, has been hidden from all mankind over several millennia of existence.

A lie does not become truth just because it has been repeated over and over again, it will always be a lie!

The Dark Ages in which we have been living are not characterized by duality, good versus evil, Heaven and Hell, but by the absence of information, by all the widespread ignorance and by all the distortion created over all this time.

The whole Matrix was designed to keep us in the dark of knowledge, so that the light of Truth would remain hidden and forgotten by all.  That's all.

They took care of separating everything, created the illusion of separation.  Separation of the Source of all that Is, separation of consciousness from the body, separation of men and women, black and white, rich and poor, homosexual and heterosexual, Catholic and Lutheran, left and right, abundance and scarcity.  But they took care of playing one against the other, thus creating a constant war environment, so that they would never come together, further increasing the entire disinformation environment, so that no one would be able to put all the pieces together, gather people together and truly find answers.

An atmosphere of constant fear was created, where it was not possible to have Love.  They took care of denigrating this feeling of union between everything and everyone, this energy that integrates and illuminates.  Although it was constantly spoken of Love, but the truth is that a distorted version of this feeling was created so that no one could understand the truth, that we are all Love in essence.  Love was associated with possession, with possessing things, and everyone was conditioned to believe that only material possessions could bring happiness.  But you cannot possess people, for they are not objects to be possessed.

But everyone was conditioned to believe that they should have someone.  They created an environment of interdependence among all.  Love was out there in the hands of someone else, not inside.  It was necessary to marry someone, to keep that person confined within a relationship built on financial interests so that there was a better future, or at least made everyone believe that they could only have sexual pleasure or even be happy by joining someone else, preferably of the opposite sex!  People were conditioned to believe that it was wrong to have same-sex sexual relationships, or even to live alone giving pleasure to oneself.  All to sustain an environment of interdependence between everything and everyone.

This has also created a disconnection between consciousness and the body.  It was agreed that sex was a sin and that everyone should pay for the so-called "Original Sin".  Fear was created in people, so that even knowing that they should have sexual relationships to reproduce and have children, something everyone was obliged to pursue and desire, everyone would do so with a sense of guilt, and with that, for those who accepted the idea that loving and appreciating their own bodies was something wrong and punishable, an idea was created that we should pursue a spiritual life by rejecting our material body and our natural impulses of latent sexuality.

Even for those who ignored all this religious insanity, they took care of instilling fear through sexually transmitted diseases.  Their "spiritual ignorance" and their constant fear of death led them to relate sexually but in a paranoid way, fearing in the same way the destruction of themselves through sexually transmitted diseases.  Or even those who did not fear it, started having sex in a destructive and inconsequential way.

In this environment of disconnection between the body and the spirit the Transsexuals were born, those who are led to reject their own bodies for a feeling of inadequacy, for believing in separation and the difference, and so they are born believing that they reside in the "wrong body", thus submitting themselves to voluntary castration.

How long will we continue to live being controlled by external forces?  How long will we remain in this darkness that is perpetuated from generation to generation?  How long will we allow religion, the media, society, politicians, banks, distorted science, all of this to control and destroy ourselves?  Is it possible, at this point in time, that no one still does not perceive the destruction that plagues us?  Does this illusion still have to be perpetuated for a few thousand years more to realize that they do not aim at our own good, our happiness?  How much longer will we give in to all this?

The Spiritual Ascension that is at hand invites us to review all this and to assume our Sovereignty, our Free Will that has been undermined throughout all this time.  There is no Freedom.  There is no unconditional Love.  There is no Respect.  There is no Fraternity.  What exists is a constant environment of warfare, of living against each other and no one realizes that this is all produced by the channels quoted before as everybody believes that they hold the "truth".  We can no longer remain perpetuating the same mistakes perpetuated by our parents, our grandparents, our great-grandparents.  We must be the Agents of Change!

Union is necessary at this time, not separation!

I invite you all to come together now!  Men and women, homosexuals, heterosexuals and bisexuals, Blacks, whites, mulattos and mestizos, Terrestrial and Extraterrestrials, left and right, old and new, rich and poor, spiritual and sexual, because only then will we reach a new stage in our evolution with the Universe, which never stops evolving.

Get awaken to the truth about ourselves!  We are being greatly supported by all spirituality and the whole Universe in this endeavor to take back the Paradise that has been stolen from all of us.

Nobody kicked us out!  It is we who keep on expelling ourselves out for several millennia.

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