terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2019

Sexuality and Spirituality

I know that many will disagree with this kind of association.  In general, a spiritual person wants to distance himself from even thinking about sex, considering it to be something sinful, dirty, waste of energy, lust, degrading...  There is no lack of adjectives to depreciate sexuality.

Those who have a very active sexuality, loose from limitations of any kind, do not want to think of spiritualization for considering this a thing of religion, even because they do not believe in the existence of God or even any kind of spirit.  They only want to know about money, luxury, cars, beautiful houses, maybe mansions...  In other words, absolutely material things!

This has already been discussed in previous texts.  But the fact is that this is not a new association, and not unprecedented!

Tantra is a philosophy born thousands of years ago that shows how the two things combine in the most perfect harmony.  But I do not want to go into that either.  I intend to approach the subject in a more contemporary, "Western" way, and more attuned to the new paradigm of the New Age that is already present.

First of all, it is important to clarify that when I speak of spirituality, I am not speaking of a limiting thought of any existing religion, but simply of a higher consciousness of life, of being aware that we are Spirits living an experience in flesh, and that one day we will reach the end of our incarnational journeys, thus returning to the astral world from which we all have come.

But that does not mean that we have to ignore all the materiality around us and live a life completely turned to the spirit, with the sole purpose of being prepared for the return to the so called "Paradise."

Why don't we bring "Paradise" into the present moment?  Why wait for a utopian world, if we can make this world a place of more pleasure, more Love, Peace and Harmony?  Why do we have to "kill" our bodies and ignore our sexual nature to be spiritualized?  And how much longer will we deceive ourselves and suffer from perishable materialities that do not bring us lasting happiness, but only temporary satisfaction?

Why continue ignoring our Divine heritage on behalf of a few who want to convince us that they are "more Divine" and that they are the only ones able to speak with God?  And what kind of God is this one, who is said to be fair and loving, if in the mean time he is always judging and condemning?  Where is this so called "Unconditional Love" in a being who insists on being tyrant and punitive?

Finally, to finish all these questions, I want to leave one more question for reflection: Why an act that is capable of generating a new physical life, and even a new consciousness, in the case of being done with true Unconditional Love, something so enormously sacred, is considered a sin?  Why consider sex a dirty and ugly act, if it can be a full expression of Unconditional Love among beings?

Sex is an energy generator, contrary to what is usually disclosed, of what constitutes the belief of many traditional Buddhist thought currents.  Generator of energy, of life, of pleasure, of vitality, of light, of health, of joy, of full satisfaction.  But, contrary to what has been taught by this distorted, corrupted and insane society, it should not be the goal within a relationship, no matter whether it is between people of the opposite sex or the same sex.  As much as the libido is part of our original physical nature, we should not be guided purely and simply by the sexual drive to initiate a new loving relationship, otherwise it will be one more destructive relationship that will give us more karmic debts.

First of all, it is necessary to abandon the mad idea that we are halves, and we need someone to complete us.  That never worked!

We are whole and sovereign beings, so we can live our lives on our own, without the need for a sexual partner, if that should be our choice.  As we have already discussed in previous texts, we can be our best lovers, and in this way we can discover entirely on our own where are our erogenous zones, which are our most sensitive points of our bodies, how we like to be touched, what kind of caresses most please us.  This all leads us to self-knowledge and a very precious communication with our body, our cells, our own energy.  Didn't I tell you there was no waste of energy?

And when we love ourselves in that way and radiate that loving energy around us, we draw people into our magnetic field of attractive force, generally people who vibrate at the same frequency as ours.  And when that happens...  It is very possible that you will find someone who will enchant you and seduce you, but not by your sexual magnetism, but by the power of spiritual magnetism!  Who knows, maybe a Soul Mate?!

When we are aware that we are incarnate spirits, that we are creative beings, connected directly to the Source of all that Is, and we begin to explore this spiritual world, we begin to vibrate at a much higher frequency, and this will lead to attract other beings that are vibrating in the same intensity and frequency, because who does not want to be close to someone who is pure Unconditional Love and reflects this everywhere?!

Do you realize now the importance of spiritualizing yourself?

Sex becomes a consequence in this context, not the main objective.  When two people meet and identify spiritually, and there is also the coincidence of being sexually attracted, sex will occur as a natural expression of the affection that these two people feed each other, and will constitute a source of immeasurable light!

We are talking about two people who do not need to keep secrets from each other, who share similar tastes, share the same views of life, feel life the same way, have similar values, if not the same.  They may have small differences, but these differences constitute an opportunity for growth and exchange, not issues that cause separation or anger.

These beings share their fears, their anguish, their life stories in every single detail, and that is what constitutes true intimacy.  An intimacy that goes beyond two bodies stripped of their clothes, but two souls that get spiritually undressed completely.  And it is in this continuous and uninterrupted revelation that the relationship grows, flourishes, intensifies, and strengthens.

And then there will be not just One, but Three, for each one will always maintain its individuality, for there is no True Love if there is no respect for each other's freedom, and the relationship of the two will be a third entity, a creation point of something totally new!

These two beings, in the development of their relationship, will naturally feel the need to touch each other, to hug each other, to kiss each other, to hold hands, to tighten this exchange more and more to the point of exchanging orgasms with each other.

To the point of creating one or several new lives, for they are Creators of the same Source, God the Father/Mother!

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