sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2019

Love vs Instinct

We have seen in the previous text the importance of our spiritualization in our sexual activity, since we are Divine consciences living an experience in the flesh.  Therefore, it is not for us to base our entire sexuality on expressions of impulse and instinct.  We are not mere mating animals for simple procreation, although many still insist on believing that we are.  And we should not even waste our sexual energy on empty, casual relationships.

In the Age of Casual Sex, it seems like bullshit dealing with Sex under a spiritual and loving view.  But the great problem of this is not in the Love itself, but the way we agreed to believe in it.  It is not Love that is wrong, for this is our primordial essence, no matter how much we reject this Divine creative energy that exists within us all.

Love, much more than a feeling, is a creative energy.  It is Love that unites our cells and maintains the unity of our living organisms.  It is Love that forms all solar systems, all galaxies, all nebulae.  It is Love that joins a spermatozoid to an ovum, and from that it develops all the biological structures that make up our precious bodies of flesh!

It is Love that creates new consciousness within relationships that are based on this sacred energy.

So what needs to be done to have a fuller and more satisfying sexuality is not to exclude Love from our sexuality, but to revise our concepts about it!

Primarily, we must learn what Unconditional Love really means.

For many, this seems inconceivable.  We were created within a concept of personal security, of absolute separation.  We were raised by our parents to get isolated from each other, always seeking protection from each other.  Contrary to the concept of our preached Justice, we are led to consider that everybody is "Guilty" until their Innocence is proved.  And even after we have proven that innocence, it is enough that someone throws a shred of suspicion, maybe a little gossip created, to stop believing in that person's "Innocence".  No matter how many positive hits that person had with us, it only gets just a tiny mistake to put everything to lose!  I'm pretty sure many understand what I say.

And even after these "Deceptions" this only leads us to create a protective wall around us that is increasingly high and closed.  The whole world is so cruel, people are extremely dangerous!  They are all liars, murderers, thieves, gossipers, envious...

It is the parents, in general, who sow the seeds of hate and mistrust.  This starts from very early on.  And to avoid further damage, we always put the blame on external things, never on people, or on ourselves!  And so we all came to agree to believe that Love was the only one to blame for that.  However, this "love" with a minuscule l, is not the energy itself, but a creation of our own.  We agreed to believe that just as we own cars, houses, televisions, refrigerators, we should also own people to keep us safe!  It was here that "Marriage" appeared, to institute and document this "possession".

And then, we came to believe that love should be excluded, as it caused serious psychological damages.  It is enough to relate sexually instinctively, like animals in heat!

Well, this has already been discussed in previous texts.  This whole concept of mistaken "love" has never helped us.

But let's move on to Unconditional Love!  As the name itself says: without conditions, without demands.  Simply something that comes spontaneously.  After all, no one has ever stopped loving their children, even though they have committed serious crimes, or even abandoned their parents.  No one stops loving their children!  And it is this kind of Love that I am referring to, because it is our essence, it is the energy that forms us in action.

But the big question relies on not on how to love a person who makes many mistakes, like accepting such a person.  The problem is that we forget to love ourselves first!

This has also been discussed in previous texts, the enormous importance of loving ourselves, before loving anyone else, whether it is someone of the opposite sex or the same sex.

And believe me, that makes ALL the difference!

When we love ourselves first, it is certain that we will not let anyone bad approach us.  Because when we really love ourselves, we do not fear loneliness!  We feel good alone, we enjoy our own company, we have fun on our own, we may even make love with our own body, without the need for a partner!  We have also talked about the importance of masturbation in our lives.  It is our first and most important way of relating sexually.

But when we love ourselves in a total and sincere way, the magnetism that is generated in our heart center is so great that it leads to attracting other people.  And if the person is self-confident enough so that he/she is not afraid to express himself/herself and who he/she really is, he/she will attract people similar to their feeling.  And that is when true Love is born!

For Love, the one with the capital L, does not imprison.  On the contrary, it first respects the freedom of the beloved, for he/she is aware that the beauty of a bird's song lies in his/her freedom to fly wherever he/she wishes to go, not in a cage.  This song becomes a song of lament, and not of celebration of life.

Love energy, the one which respects one's freedom, provides a level of attraction and affection far more powerful than the basic animal instinctual energy.  The person who truly feels loved in its totality and freedom to come and go never goes away, because it knows that it has everything it needs the most in that relationship, because it is a relationship that motivates, strengthens, trusts, which drives us to higher and higher flights.

And we should not forget that we are talking about beings who have their masculine and feminine energies recognized and balanced!  This is the most important thing to consider if we want to have a full relationship like this.  We must be aware that we must have our masculine and feminine energies (which are present in all of us, for we are whole beings and not halves) perfectly accepted and balanced.  That is why we are living in a time that makes it imperative for men to accept and understand the importance of the feminine energy that exists within them, because in this way they will no longer be victims of women who use their sexual seduction power to manipulate them, and women should learn to make use of their masculine energy so that they become truly independent and autonomous.

If the Instinct promotes physical union between beings, instinctively and coldly, Love promotes union at the soul level, providing an intimacy that goes beyond two bodies that come together without their clothes.  We are talking about an absolute intimacy, of two beings who may have been together in other incarnations, and who are accomplices before they are partners.  Of course in the 3D world, this still requires many long conversations in order to gain each other's trust.  But for souls with this level of intimacy, there will always be plenty of subjects to talk about!  Not to mention that even in the look, the touch, the hug or the kiss, they will still be exchanging much information among themselves, without the need for words.

Because that is what this Unconditional Love is all about: an energy that goes uniting each other more and more.  Because, in the end, we are all ONE!

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