sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2019

Ecstasy vs Orgasm

In our sexual culture, Orgasm is the main goal to be achieved.  Although many women remain without the least idea of what this is, due to many years of extreme sexual repression suffered, Orgasm remains the main "Object of desire" of sexual relationships.

Of course many years have gone by, many revolutions have taken place, women have gained their place in the labor market, become independent and have freed themselves from the many bonds established by society over these many years.  She went from being a simple housewife and submissive caretaker to powerful executives in big companies and even businesswomen.

But in addition to having gained their financial independence, they also earned the right to have orgasms and enjoy sex.

But there was still a lot of repressed energy, too many locks to be worked on and removed.

For men, the concept of "orgasm" has also been limited over all these years.  Although they could enjoy greater freedom in the process of self-discovery of their sexual lives, much has been misrepresented to them as well, and in the case of orgasm, this has always been deeply associated with having ejaculations.

Considering the pornography widespread culture, which has always glorified not only orgasm, but ejaculations, there seemed to have nothing else to be considered!

Yes, no doubt we were also manipulated, over the last few years, to believe that there was only one type of orgasm: the genital.  And in the case of men, ejaculatory!

Of course there was a purpose for it, but we will not go into this matter here.

Women in particular, over these last years of revolutions and discoveries, were still more privileged to discover that their bodies were able to provide them not only orgasms of different kinds and qualities, but could also provide them multiple orgasms in a row, which is more difficult to be reached by men.

Tantra, over the years, as it was being disseminated in the West and gained more importance on this side of the planet, showed us that men could also have this kind of orgasm as long as they did not ejaculate.  But this requires a level of self-control and knowledge of one's own body that men have never been accustomed to, or even encouraged to undertake, for this requires a very high level of self-awareness and an acceptance that they all have both energies, masculine and feminine, within themselves.

In the face of all the preconceived ideas of patriarchal society, a man could not undertake such "self-knowledge", for that would imply him taking on his feminine side, learning to love and being more sensitive to himself and to others.  For patriarchal society, this was always a sign of weakness, not to mention that it could be a sign of homosexuality, something that was inadmissible!

Regardless of the obstacles both women and men suffer from knowing themselves better and exploring the nature of their sexualities more widely, orgasms, however intense, are always something momentary.  Even if they are multiple orgasms, they are still of short duration.

Tantra still shows us that there are other types of orgasm that can be reached, because we have a body of multiple orgasmic possibilities, having seen the long nervous network of which it is composed.  We can have full body orgasms, and much fuller orgasms.

But there is a class of orgasm that transcends all these other types of orgasm, but which can only be obtained once one is fully aware of the energy of Unconditional Love and can only be obtained through a full and complete expression of this energy, either by yourself or by someone else, and requires a level of intimacy that goes beyond physical intimacy!  And it's a long-lasting orgasm that can last for hours and hours!

I'm talking about Ecstasy.

The Ascended Masters are those who know best this permanent orgasm, for they are fully moved by the energy of full Unconditional Love, and this enables them to be permanently in such a high vibratory state that it gives them this permanent orgasmic state.

Living in ecstasy requires that we free ourselves from all our guilts, our fears, our limiting beliefs, our sorrows, our dislikes, disappointments, feelings of hatred, anger, envy, jealousy...  Anything that can let us vibrate in lower frequencies.  Only with a lot of self-knowledge, a lot of peace of mind, full awareness of the "I Am" presence, we can reach such a state.

It is necessary to be totally in the present, completely connected with the moment, without worries about the future, without memories of the past.  The future does not yet exist.  The past is gone.  There is only "Now"!

It is necessary to be in a full meditative state, fully conscious of your own body, every cell, every organ, every limb, every hand, every foot, feeling your face, your chest, your belly, your groin, your genital, your anus, your spine, the whole extension of your back.

It is necessary to feel the world with your skin, every sensation, every touch, every variation of the environment, be it temperature, drafts, humidity.  Feel the electric current that runs the entire length of the skin, which causes a vibration in every cell, every atom, every small part that can be perceived in its entirety.

It is necessary to be in a state of full and absolute Love, because it is this energy that allows this state of fullness and grace.

This Bliss is something that is definitely impossible to put into words, but that becomes unforgettable once you experience it.

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