Let's start our journey telling a little bit of
the human sexuality history, analyzing each positive and negative aspect of it,
how it was handled and conducted over thousands of years, the purpose of this
manipulation, and also revealing some truth behind it all.
And when it comes to sexuality and religion, we
are talking about two things that always behaved like oil and water: never
mixed! Or rather worse, they never reached an understanding. But now, we are moving towards a future where
all this is going to change.
Our body was built to have pleasure in various
ways, whether feeding, listening to music, dancing, hugging, kissing. And the main purpose of it was to ensure the
survival of the species, since no one would fail to do something that was
pleasurable, that gives him satisfaction and joy. No one would stop eating, once that was an activity
that would guarantee happiness.
The Human Being is designed to be happy, to
find happiness in any activity that guarantees him life, and it certainly
always included sex, the male and female union with the goal of reproduction,
the universal perpetuation of the species. Therefore, the union of the sexes
has always been something sacred, divine!
So why consider something divine a sin?
For the Catholic religion, sex has always been
considered something forbidden, a sin in its essence. Something dirty, condemned. And all the other religions that came after Catholicism
followed the same pattern of repression of any sexual activity. Even Buddhism considers sex an "energy
But why?
One reason would be an attempt by the church to
maintain control over the procreation of the entire world population, since
instilling fear and guilt to the sexual act would lead people to fear the act
itself. After all, no one wanted to burn in the fire of hell to be having
pleasure without God’s consent! And so
the church created marriage and baptism, not only in order to control human
relations, but also as a way to make money by charging for these ceremonies.
The truth is that the so-called "Holy
Catholic Church", and any other form of religious control, regardless of what
kind of religious movement it belongs, has always been an enterprise, a
government itself, which for many years exercised control over people's lives,
using the blind faith and ignorance of the world's population to control their
lives, since they were the ultimate authority, the only ones who could
represent God on earth, through its trained and certified representatives by
the Vatican, the Holy Pope, the highest Catholic authority or any other church
authority, whether Lutheran, Baptist, etc. They always claimed to do everything in the
name of Jesus, but He was never properly represented by these institutions on
this planet. After all, we should
consider that Jesus of Nazareth himself challenged and questioned the priests
of his days, revealing all the hypocrisy of the environment, with all its
rituals and laws.
But there was always the other side of the coin,
which best explains all the reason for the domination and control by the
churches and religions.
Tantra, an ancient philosophy that emerged in
India over five thousand years ago, tended to treat sex otherwise. This
philosophy tells us that life is made of energy, and that energy should not be
suppressed, but conducted, and should flow freely. We are all part of this energy
that exists around us, and this philosophy teaches us to make use of this
energy, appreciate it and enjoy it! It is a philosophy that preaches our
oneness with the great creative source, God the Father and Mother Goddess,
treating the great Divinity as two poles of the same creative force, but which
are necessary to ensure the creation. Since we are all energy, and live in
conjunction with the great creative source, it is clear that we are all Gods in
its design, and we exist to be instruments of the great universal creation, and
that certainly includes sexual rituals! Therefore,
sex is seen in ways that, according to the direction given by the sexual energy
in a male/female intercourse, this can lead to a direct contact with the
Source. Thus, according to Tantric philosophy, sex is a religious expression,
and orgasm, being an expression of the Kundalini energy, is something sacred
that connects us directly with the Divinity.
Now, it is obvious that the Church, to ensure
its control over the world's population and manipulate it as it should, could
not allow a free sexuality expression like this, since it would ensure the
death of the entire institution of the Holy Catholic Church! After all, if we can have direct contact with
God, even in the expression of our own sexuality, what does the Church stand
And that is what is being rescued now for the
New Humanity, of the New Age to come. It is currently undergoing a process of
awakening, where everyone is finally realizing that God is within each of us,
and not externally, and human sexuality begin to have their sacred expression
redeemed, fully and completely.
Finally, it also means that this sacred
expression of human sexuality goes for heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals
and any other category of sexual relationship, whether human or not, that may
exist in the near future. For the truth is that, this great energy which
Tantric philosophy talks about has a name, and it is called "Unconditional
Love"! The universe is all formed
by the great energy of love, and that's all that matters to the Great Creation.
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